Thursday, February 14, 2008

Grace Heidi Hale

Grace Heidi Hale

My 3rd niece was born on February 7th. Her name as you can see in the title is Grace. She is appropriately named; for God's Grace. I was blessed to be able to be there and see Grace be brought into this world. When she was born she wasn't breathing for about 15 minutes. She was getting oxygen because the doctors were using a CPR mask on her but she didn't want to breathe on her own. In those 15 minutes, prayers were going up on her behalf. Through our tears, we texted family to pray as well as praying ourselves in the delivery room. It was an intensely, scary 15 minutes. Grace is doing very well now. I praise the Lord for another beautiful addition to the family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the family on a beautiful baby girl! Answered prayers are a wonderful thing. WE KNOW!

Lois & Paul