Monday, October 29, 2007

My new bike!


In the beginning of October, Zeb and I bought me a motorcycle. I love my new bike and I enjoy riding. It's a 2007 Suzuki Boulevard S40, 650 cc. I have nearly 200 miles on it so far. We like riding together. I took the motorcycle course on a 250 cc bike. So we thought that this is a good starter bike. I will ride this next summer and get more experience and then when Zeb comes home from overseas in the end of 2008, we will upgrade to the 650 version of his V-Strom and have matching bikes. I love to show it off, so if anyone wants to see it, come on over. Or you can just come to visit.

The last Hale wedding

Stacey and Cody's Wedding

The last of the Hale kids, my little sister, got married on October 13. She is a beautiful bride. The wedding was gorgeous and the weather--perfect. Her wedding colors for her fall wedding was persimmons (similar to burnt orange) and chocolate. Many things about the wedding are meaningful to Stacey: The gym they married in was at New Tribes Mission. For you who dont know, we, the Hale family grew up as missionaries to Papua New Guinea and were with the New Tribes Mission. Stacey remembers my dad and I singing at churches and such, so she asked us to sing in her ceremony. My older sister, Rachel, plays the piano. The flower girls, Nieces Emily and Hannah, carried a basket of leaves to drop on the aisle. The ring-bearer, Nephew Aaron, carried a wrestling championship belt, since both Cody and Stacey are wrestlers. The "stage" they married on was a wrestling ring, creatively decorated. I am happy that their special day went well.



October 2, 2007, Zeb got the call that he is getting deployed overseas and has to be ready to leave October 21, less than 3 weeks away. That didn't give us much time to amend the orders he has been on for the summer, finish up paperwork for the last job, find an apartment/house for us up in the Jersey Shore/Lock Haven area (so I will be close to family), pack up the old house, move and unpack again, get settled, etc. This past month has been so crazy. In the midst of all this, my little sister got married. We did find a place in Antes Fort, which is right next to Jersey Shore. After 3 trailor loads, 3 Blazer loads, 2 pick-up truck loads, and 1 Subaru load we were finally moved. It has got a huge kitchen which I really like, even if it does look like the 70's era, and more closet space than we had in the last house in Millersburg, but there is no basement in this new house which hid alot of our stuff. We really miss our old place, but one must move on. It is a pretty area, where we are now. We have a donkey that lives across the street from us. I have never heard such strange noises as what comes out of that donkey, and he has strange behaviors, but he always brings a smile to your face and makes you laugh.