Wednesday, December 26, 2007



Zeb came home for Christmas and was home till after the New Year. It was so nice to have him home. He got alot of hunting in--goose and duck. He really enjoyed that. Our Christmases with both sides of the family was quiet but nice and relaxing (for the most part). We spent Christmas Eve up at Mom and Dad Zellers house. Had a large delicious meal, read the Christmas Story from the Bible, opened presents, played Apples to Apples, then went outside and blew up a gingerbread house. That was fun. Christmas morning Zeb went Goose/Duck hunting since we weren't doing "Christmas" till that evening due to work schedules. At about 4:30 we had another large delicious meal, had the kids open their presents, then the adults opened ours, played Apples to Apples and UNO. Then we called it a night. Zeb and I had a nice Christmas and it was great to have him home for 10 days.